19 July 2009

First Anniversary Post!

First things first- we made a decision on medical school...
We will dutifully obey the results of our poll and attend UCLA this August!
(By the way, Rachel is mad that Baylor beat UCSD)

Here we are visiting UCLA in 2007.
It was destiny that we'd end up there!

In the meantime, we've been up to quite a few things while being funemployed this summer...

We've been painting Austin's parents' house.

We attended a Robinson family reunion in Farmington, Utah.

We moved to our new apartment in Los Angeles!!

Rachel's family helped out with the move.
We unloaded everything in an hour and a half!

Rachel loves the new apartment.

Austin loves the location (as you can clearly see by the expression on his face).

(No really, he likes it.)


Jeffrey A. Robinson said...

Austin and Rachel are the world's best house painters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute apartment-decorated by a couple of pros. Thanks for letting us stay there for the weekend!

Bri and Elty!!! said...

Is that the building you showed us???

☺The President of Cuba☺ said...

You white people and your blogs...